Tazuz_Womens_soccer_academy_Tel Aviv_

Tazuz_Womens_soccer_academy_Tel Aviv_

Tazuz_Womens_soccer_academy_Tel Aviv_

Tazuz_Womens_soccer_academy_Tel Aviv_
Women's Soccer Academy
Fall 2024, Tel Aviv
Girls! Are you ready to play soccer?
After crushing it in Herzliya and Jerusalem, and because you all asked for it, Tazuz Women's Soccer Academy is finally landing in Tel Aviv! Get ready to level up your game, make awesome friends, and be part of something amazing training with other girls like you every week.
The Academy is led by a professional soccer instructor, packed with high-quality equipment, and girls of all different skill levels and parts of the world each season. We also boast the best playing surface in the region in collaboration with Tel Aviv's Municipality to give you the best soccer experience. The best chance to be competitive while having fun!
We will provide you with
Private Field
Soccer training led by a Professional Coach
Training and Friendly Matches sessions every week
The Academy Coordinator will always be there for you, and she's committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment!
High quality and best range of soccer training equipment
Free access to our Benefits Club with special discounts for Tazuz's community
An EPIC Tournament Closing event ;)
Season Time: November 11th to December 30th - 8 Weeks
Game Days: Mondays from 8 to 9:30 pm
Location: Yaffo Tennis Center, Tel Aviv​
The individual fee is: 400₪ NIS
Sign Up with a friend and pay ₪380 each​